Saturday, September 07, 2002

Well, I may as well update this. I am pretty sure I am the only one viewing this blog anyhow. Who wants to read personal blogs anyhow? They are boring.

What's been going on? I haven't been playing anything online. School has started again, and I am once again on that road to a degree, so things have been busy. The kids are back in school as well. I am remembering why I was waiting for summer to come.. I was anxious to be free of the daily school schedule with the kids and myself, and by the end of summer I couldn't wait for things to return to "normal". Summer tends to be chaotic.. no schedules, no daily plans. I longed for that structure to return.. Now that it's back, I'm feeling busy. I don't like being busy. I don't like having a list of things that must be done at certain times. Yeah, it means I can't slack the way I want to, or when. Which, I suppose is a good thing.

I still have active accounts on Camelot and EQ. Whether or not I will log in with them is in question. It's tough to gather the motivation anymore. The main reason I used to play is to hang out with friends and have a good time. Well, most of the friends I have played with have moved on.. plus, it's tough to find any goals in a game you can't win, or one that has a purpose so much larger than any time investment you or your friends could possibly put into it. No one of us could play daily or even weekly to keep a guild going or any rate of advancement that some of us require (myself included)

Blah.. i don't have anything else to say right now.