Friday, January 30, 2004


Well it's been a very long time since an update was posted. As with many things, I lost interest in blogging in general. But, as this is mostly for myself and for fun, that's not really a big deal.

So, an update:

Spring '04 semester has started and I'm taking the final two classes (it's been a long road) at the 2-year college. Despite changes in degree programs, professional focus and the availability of a new transfer program to a 4-year accredited college, we have endured and are finally on what should be the "right and final track". I've taken enough credits to be a junior, but not all of them apply, especially with the transfer to the 4-yr school, so.. in the end I will end up smarter than I had anticipated.. right? Sure.

The kids are growing like weeds again. Sarah is no longer the little muppet girl and tackling new skills such as math division and book reports. /Cheer third grade! Lance has finally stabilized (we think) himself in 6th grade. He had a very rocky start, but we think he's ready to buckle down and do the work that he is supposed to and earn the grades he deserves.

We have a new edition to the farm - Elmo. Elmo can be seen on Julie's blog. He's a fuzzy, orange monster that has scored a confortable slacker life with 7 ferrets, 2 cats and a dog, plus 4 random humans mulling about. More animals. More poop. More doctor visits. I couldn't be happier. Really.

Work is the same.. Bonus was good for 2003 and this will probably be one of the first years in a while that we won't do a major upgrade to the house (last year was a yard overhaul in the front). That said, the focus will be on proper budgetting and putting some money away this year (hopefully) to fund future projects, whether it be for this home or the next.

For our online friends: Julie and I joined a raiding guild in EverQuest in hopes that we could finally "finish" the game before the "next big thing" is launched (EQ2 or WoW). Currently we're one god away from being flagged for 3 elemental planes (Rallos Zek) and one Sol Ro miniboss away after that for Plane of Fire. After that, it's a couple months of farming until we can take on the elemental bosses and head into Plane of Time itself. The hope is, that by then the current Time guilds will have moved on to make room. It's going to be crowded in the Elementals, with the possibility of 5-6 guilds fully flagged, including the Time ones. What guild? Here's a hint: Grrrr. Bark. Bark. Grrrr. It's a blast and they're excellent people.

That's all for now..