Saturday, September 09, 2006


We're playing WoW.

Kael'Thas - PvE (Alliance) as Langevin (Druid), Draynor (Warrior) & Shrpocket (Mage)
Gul'Dan - PvP (Horde) as Devy (Priest)

I am also dabbling with RPPVP on the Venture Co. server. Not sure if I am up to the ubergeek RP arena, but I honestly haven't spent any real time in there.

Playing WoW makes me miss some of my EQ characters. I miss Ayreon probably the most, simply because a plate-wearing halfling cleric does not exist in WoW....

But, I was able to recreate Draynor as a dwarven warrior (his original class from EQ - he was a shaman in EQ2), and he dies and does the same boneheaded things the original incarnation did! Warrior are actually kick ass classes in WoW. It's refreshing.

Druids are simply.. awesome. I can do all the things I used to do in EQ except port, which isn't too bad to give up. They can tank, dps, heal, nuke. And they do each of the aspects fairly well.

Well.. not a whole much else.. the kids are playing too, which is just hilarious. It's a WoWhold here...