Monday, May 27, 2002

W00t I got an A in my algebra class. Algebra? No, I'm not in high school.. just very very lagging behind on finishing my college mis-education. 12 years to complete a 4-year program. It'll be 15 total before I'm done. No regrets really, just should have stuck with it instead of starting and stopping.

We finally saw Spider-Man this past weekend. It's a decent movie for sure, even though it's a bit of a "chick flick" at times. Good story, good visuals. Next up is Episode II, despite reports that the movie is sorta stinky.

Thursday, May 23, 2002

Cuddly Ferret
Uh.. according to the quiz, I am a cuddly ferret. How the heck did that happen?

Wanna take the quiz? Here: Ferret Test

A funny thing happened a week and a half ago. Well, sorta funny. Julie's computer became cranky and refused to boot. After spending a few hours goofing with it to no avail, she asked about the cost of upgrading. Well, given the prices of full systems today (getting a p4 complete for under $1000), I told her it really wasn't worth upgrading individual components anymore, unless you were the overclocker/game geek type that needs have 100fps at the highest resolution. To make a long story short, we all ended up with new computers (me, Julie and both kids). Sound insane? It is. I ended up getting a dream machine (p4/1.8 with a GeForce4/4600 and lotsa other goodies), and she received my "old" P4 machine with a GeForce 3/ti500, which is by no means a slow dog. Lance ended up with HER old machine (which I managed to get running using some older hardware), which is a P3.. and Sarah got Lance's old P3 as well. So, for just under $1500, everyone got an upgrade. Kinda neat..

No, I haven't seen Episode II yet. No, I haven't even seen Spiderman. We're hoping to buzz out this week and see them both (well at least I hope to). I haven't really been playing anything lately either, just some Final Fantasy X on our shiny, new ($299) PS2.. Yeah, thanks Sony. Prices are now $199 for the PS2.. I should have known. Heck, you can even pick up a Gamecube for $150 now. That's insane. The fact that the XBox didn't sell as MS had hoped, has caused everyone to enter a price war, which is ALWAYS good for us gamers! Now, if they would just include more than ONE controller and maybe a damn memory card in the initial box, and we could call it a deal. The PS2 ended up costing $500 after everything was purchased (one game, one controller, an S-video cable and switchbox, and a memory card). Sigh.. Oh, that S-video switchbox comes in handy. I got sick of swapping cables when I wanted to watch a DVD or play one of the two gaming systems hooked up using s-video. I'm an ultra geek and really can't skimp on things like that.. what's the point of NOT using optical sound and s-video if your hardware supports it, right? Hee hee

Does anyone actually read this besides me? Do I care? If I updated this more often I could almost consider it a life journal.. Hey, that's a thought.

I don't think there's anything new and exciting in the music scene. I may have passed up the opportunity to hit ProgPower in Atlanta. I am not sure yet, I haven't checked the site to see if tickets are gone. It's a long shot, but a lot of my favorite bands are there, including a rare East appearance of Devin Townsend (the guy always tours the west coast and Japan), and the first ever show in the US for Blind Guardian, a most-excellent fantasy-metal band from Germany. We're still deciding whether or not we want to spend a day sitting in the grass at Blossom for Ozzfest. Yes, very cool show, but hanging out in the lawn for 15 hours? Hmm.. The Euro Ozzfest is basically the same, but two really awesome bands from northern Europe will be there, which was a total shock to me - After Forever (the grunting vocalist left the band) and Within Temptation. Wowzers.. I think that would tip my decision if they came to the US show for sure. Half the bands at Ozzfest I have never heard of (and maybe don't want to). I am turning into a grumpy old metal fan that sticks to his 5 best groups.. hehe

Welp, time to hit the sack.. it's 3:00am and even though I couldn't sleep two hours ago, I think I can now.. bye!

Thursday, May 09, 2002

Morrowind.. Delivered and installed.. Wowzers.. The first thing I felt when I was creating my first character was "this game is huge". I actually had to read the manual, and I've played/finished the last two chapters in the series. I can't believe it's only 1 CD (the other is for the construction set). With games like Baldur's Gate using up to 5 CDs, I just can't believe it. Well, the music is great, the graphics are great and there is sure enough content to keep anyone busy. Even in the starting town, there is a bunch to do and explore - an underwater dungeon, a murder investigation, a bandit cave and some more things. All of which you would miss if you hurried off and went to Balmora for your first assignment.

Anyhow.. Dungeon Siege? I'm in chapter 5. I'm also still playing Heroes IV, but I wanted to wait for a patch to be released because I really thought the game was too easy so far. I'm hoping they bumped up the AI in v1.4.

Nothing else is really new.. just getting excited about summer coming. Looking to take some time off of work and slack.. er.. do family stuff..