Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Like sands through the hourglass...

I won't bother to post a long, dreary entry right now.  Suffice it to say, things have changed a lot around here in the last six weeks.  My life has gone from riding the crest of the wave, to being sucked into its undertow, and is just now beginning to level off again.
Three days after my last entry, I lost the job I had for almost eight years.  Without going into dreadful details, the event has changed my life.  I am a different, but better person now and I think I may have a clearer focus on life and what's really important.  It's not money, it's not a big house or a huge television (things that were all on my mind two months ago).  What is important, is family and faith.  If you have those, you'll be all right.  If you're missing one of those, seek out the other if you can, and hold onto the one you have because it'll save you.
Have I gone crazy?  No.  I've gone through a transformation and come out a better man.  I'll explain over time, because it's important.  Stay tuned.

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