Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Welcome to My Demsion

Look out.. the "Budman" has a blog. Too bad he changed the topic for his first post, it was rather humorous ("Welcome to my Demsion"). We're still trying to figure out what a "demsion" is.

Anyhow.. Days are starting to fly by again. With Julie working, me working normal hours, and the kids in school, there is so little time for much else. Oh yeah, we're in school too. I can already feel that this Christmas will be a WELL deserved break.

My new job is really cool. I get to actually DO something now. I don't need to look for "busy work" or answer 50 damnable CPU tickets every day. Things I do here actually mean something. Everyone told me after I lost my former job that I'd come to a point where I could thumb my nose at it and feel good that I've moved onto something better. Well, that time has come. I feel needed here and that I am actually providing a needed service. So, I've been giving the Old Corp my middle finger salute when passing by on the freeway and it feels good. I am much happier being out of UberCorp's grip. I am learning some cool shit here, too. Things are actually set up smartly here.. and because it's a smaller company, they don't use these bloated applications to provide simple tasks. Hey, get this, we actually use group policy to roll out applications and Windows updates. Imagine that. And it works ;)

Anyhow.. games.. Man, I'd like to play some. Sly Cooper 2 is out, Ratchet 3 is out, Prince of Persia 2 is out, and I wouldn't mind finishing games I already have. EQ? It's dead. There's just no way we can continue. I miss it dearly though; I can't stand reading about it and not being there. It was such a fun time. At least we accomplished some milestones during our stay. Oh, Elder Scrolls 4 ("Oblivion") was just announced. Cool!! I think one of my first blog entries was for Morrowind, two years ago. Fable is also out for the XBox. With Julie working at BB, we end up using her free rentals a bunch, since you can get games as well as movies. I've rented Drakengard and Jak II (both look cool) and the kids are drooling over Pikmin 2 right now. It's fun..

Julie is getting used to her new job, but not used to working I think ;) I'm proud of her, though, and no matter what happens, it's a positive thing. Family life is back to "normal" now after a few strange summer, but I think we're all on track again. Lance has become Mr. Football and Sarah is about to become Miss Bowler (yeah, we actually got her excited about something athletic). We'll see how that works out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you :)