Friday, September 10, 2004

The Fall of Summer

Ugh. Summer's over and it's back to school, back to work, back to business. I rather enjoyed slacking around the house this summer. It's funny how things worked out.. I left my last job on June 7th, the first week of my kids' summer vacation, and started my new job on August 30th, basically the beginning of the 04/05 school year.

Yeah, so I get to drive in rush hour traffic now. I don't mind it too much; it only really bothers me when it takes me more than twice as long as it should. A half hour I can deal with, but 45 minutes to go 20 miles? C'mon! There's construction going on, so hopefully when it's all finished things will be better.

Julie's workng, I'm working, the kids are in school and we're all coming and going at different times. It's nuts, for sure.

Oh, hey.. just announced today.. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Wow!! What's funny is, they have it listed for the PS3 and XBox2.. which basically means 2006, but I'll take it! I guess I should finish Morrowind. Oh yeah, and I got an official invite for the WoW stress test. Yeah, thanks.. Why couldn't I get it when I had the time to check it out? Doesn't matter, I can't sign on to an online game, I don't want that kind of addiction again. Yeah, EQ is dead. I think we're done, for good. We'll see.. I just can't keep up with it, even if I wanted to play it. The last few months we were always playing catch up.. "gotta get 200 AAs, gotta get better gear.... more mana.. more HP". Blah.. I just want to kill stuff, and you can't kill the good stuff without all the above. Forget it.. I'll stick to Morrowind where I can truly be a god, and it's free..

Welp, I'm at work and now I'm gone.. so.. bye!

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