Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Nails Driven Home

Last night was my first official NIN concert, as well as my son's first concert ever. I'm not totally sure why I waited 15+ years to see them, and I'm much less of a fan than I used to be in the mid-90's. Their music has changed a bit, but last night I remembered why I was drawn to it all in the first place. It was an excellent show. I didn't think they sounded as well as they should have, especially being at Blossom (a place created for accoustics). However, it was a rockin' good time.

I found a setlist earlier yesterday to get a sneak peek at what they would play, and they ended up playing an alternative list, with about 70% of the songs that were on mine. Here's the list, as far as I can recall.. My Blackberry died before leaving for the show, so I didn't have my usual method of jotting down setlist order... this is from memory:

Somewhat Damaged
You Know What You Are
Terrible Lie
March of the Pigs
Something I Can Never Have
(The other non-release new track)
Gave Up
Help Me I Am in Hell
La Mer
Into the Void
The Big Come Down
Down In It
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole

The order in the middle is definitely wrong. This list wasn't nearly as good as the one I had hope to hear. For one, I've heard Hurt live so many times that I wasn't excited to know it was in my show, however it was moving with the ENTIRE crowd singing it. My list didn't have Suck, Hurt, the second "new" track, or Something I Can Never Have. In their places were: The Wretched, Reptile, Get Down Make Love, and Sin. I like all those four better than the replacements.

As usual, I am with most of the Internet crowd when I say I would much rather have heard Last in place of either of the other two Broken tracks (except Wish of course). Happiness in Slavery would have been godly. I don't think i've ever heard that live, and apparently Last has never been played live at all.

The light show was pretty cool. There was a series of panels set up behing the stage (much like the DVD displays) with full motion video and effects dancing across them during the show. They had an unfolding cage-like gate that came down periodically that contained rows of tiny LEDs or maybe bulbs. Often this display matched the one n the panels, just in a very geeky computer-like shadow. The display during the instrumental Help Me.. was particularly cool.

I noticed one of the tour shirts had the NIN log on the back and a list of dates in old Atari font. I believe it was, anyhow. I knew Trent was a geek from way back, and the dated look of the shirt made it a must buy. However, I noticed it too late as I had already bought my shirt. There were a few elements on the shirts that had this old computer look to them. Very cool.

Anyhow, the show was definitely a good time. There was a horrendous storm coming in as we approached Blossom, however it cleared by the time we parked. Getting out was rather humorous. We got stuck in the mud as the grassy lots had turned to swamplands with the downpour. I managed to break free and then got out to help another soul that got his car stuck behind us. When we got home, the coverage of mud on my front end was classic. I tried to hose it off this morning, but it looks hideous. I'll have to seek out a car wash at lunch.

I think Lance had a good time and it was a good intro to his concert-going career. He probably heard a little too many vulgar words, and I thought this after re-listening to much of the setlist in my car, but he is 14 now. It's not like he hasn't heard a lot of it by now. It was a good father and son event. Going to concerts all these years, it never once crossed my mind that one day I'd be going with my children. It was very, very cool. I have a new concert buddy. Hopefully I can keep him away from the rap music!

Saturday, June 17, 2006


I'm sorry to report that Cupcake, the infamous key stealing, plastic fetish, super climbing, bathroom trashing ferret has left us.

Cupcake was #1, the first, the alpha. Because of her, we all entered a new world of friends and have since saved a good handful from lives of hardships. Here, they all have friends and caring parents. Ok, so the dog isn't one of their friends... Anyhow, I've known for a while that these were likely the last of her days. She'd been spending a lot of time snuggling and sleeping. What was funny was that if plastic was nearby, she'd perk up just to take a bite of it. I'll never understand the plastic thing with her. I can't think of any reason, besides fun, that would drive an animal to want to actually eat plastic materials. The best part of this is, we have numerous items with the "Cuppy was here!" marks on them. One look at our card table, various computer mice, game controllers, and a few unfortunate remote controls will reveal the legacy of Cupcake.

We're all trying to deal with the fact that she isn't here. Well, she is, but not in the form that we're used to. She lies in the Hall of Heroes with Grover, Betty, and Bubbles. I don't know how we could ever leave this house with so many of our friends buried nearby. This has been a rough year for us and the Gentile Animal Kingdom.

There aren't any words to describe how much she will be missed, and is already. I called her my Sweetie Heart, because she was. We all have hilarious memories of our past friends, and Cupcake is no different. We love you Cuppy!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Fuzzy Wuzzies

I don't know if I have mentioned before that we have a lot of ferrets. In August of 2001 we ended up purchasing a ferret from a local "exotic" pet store. My daughter named her Cupcake, after a mini stuffed bear that she was fond of. Over time, our love for Cupcake led us to get more ferrets, house rescues, and become much more involved in learning about the little critters.

In the last two years, we've had a few older friends that we've rescued or gotten from a local shelter. A pair we got from a local guy that was moving, named Charlie and Darwin, were our first official rescues. They were destined for the local shelter (Ferrets Unlimited), but we simply couldn't give them up. We renamed Darwin to Grover, and Charlie to Bubbles. To make a long story short, Bubbles wasn't with us for long (she had lymphoma and adrenal disease), and Grover left us in March of 2005. Both were exceptional friends. Another ferret, from FU, was Betty (originally named Ms. Sebastian - I think I misspelled that). She, too, passed in time. She was likely 12 years old or more.

Today, we have eight fuzzies. Three more were rescues - two from a very POORLY MAINTAINED pet store (they were adults that were given up), and another from a neighbor who's teenage owner wanted to give her up. So, Romeo and Cocoa (I think it was Cocoa) becaome Telly and Oscar. Fancypants kept her name because she was so boisterous that no other name was fitting. We usually just call her Fancy.

The other five are long term friends - Cupcake, Daisy, Burt and Ernie were the original fab four that we'd had since 2001 and 2002. Princess Buttercup was our first shelter friend from FU, who is likely 6-7 years old at this point.

Due to the short life span of ferrets, and a slew of terrible diseases they can get, owners end up in a constant state of despair, especially when they own multiple ferrets of varying ages. What happens is, every 6-12 months, another ferret begins the inevitable decline of health. Currently, our oldest friend, in terms of companionship, is sick. Cupcake, one of the sweetest friends I've ever known, is quickly deteriorating.

Cupcake has graced the pages of Julie's Flickr site and our various blogs, Web sites, screensavers, and character profile icons for many years.

I don't know how much longer Cuppy will be with us. It's hard to accept that any friend of this kind is at that point in their lives. It's difficult when you can't explain to them what's going on and why these big humans can't do anything for you. Owning ferrets is a very rewarding relationship. They are unique creatures with more personality than other pets that I have had. But, it's not without heartbreak.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Cupcake:

Hopefully she'll be OK.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Nothing much to report. Summer begins (for some people!), school, work, and life continues.

I passed another MS exam (70-297) on Tuesday the 30th of May. It was a month later than planned, but it's done. Onward into new territory. Two tests left (for this year). Although, after these two, I'll be an MCSE finally. Something I should have had years ago, but I let it slack.

We're (Julie and I) playing WoW. We're taking it at a leisurely pace, since we honestly don't have the time to really become a slave to it. The kids and I got it for her for Mother's Day, along with some other fun stuff.

I'm in my second to last trimester of college. I graduate, if all goes well, this December. It's a little later than planned, but it really hasn't changed anything. So long as it's done. After that, who knows. I will enjoy some time off. Julie has around two more sessions after me, so by this time next year we should both be in good shape.

Lance and I joined an adult/youth bowling league. It's pretty funny. There are some really good bowlers in it. We have the second highest handicap of any team! Hopefully we'll improve. I've already begun to see my bowling improve. We're having fun and that's all that counts.

That is all. I think. Yeah, it is.