Thursday, June 01, 2006


Nothing much to report. Summer begins (for some people!), school, work, and life continues.

I passed another MS exam (70-297) on Tuesday the 30th of May. It was a month later than planned, but it's done. Onward into new territory. Two tests left (for this year). Although, after these two, I'll be an MCSE finally. Something I should have had years ago, but I let it slack.

We're (Julie and I) playing WoW. We're taking it at a leisurely pace, since we honestly don't have the time to really become a slave to it. The kids and I got it for her for Mother's Day, along with some other fun stuff.

I'm in my second to last trimester of college. I graduate, if all goes well, this December. It's a little later than planned, but it really hasn't changed anything. So long as it's done. After that, who knows. I will enjoy some time off. Julie has around two more sessions after me, so by this time next year we should both be in good shape.

Lance and I joined an adult/youth bowling league. It's pretty funny. There are some really good bowlers in it. We have the second highest handicap of any team! Hopefully we'll improve. I've already begun to see my bowling improve. We're having fun and that's all that counts.

That is all. I think. Yeah, it is.

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