Sunday, April 28, 2002

Wow!! In a strange twist of fate, another one of my favorite bands, The Gathering, are now collaborating with one of my originally favorite bands, Voivod. Well, at least one member. Denis (Piggy) will be playing guitar for The Gathering on a track for their new CD. WOW! I love when I hear a favorite band has been influenced by Voivod.. they are underground and "not big". It's nice to see how much they are a part of other bands' music.

Anyhow.. in other music news.. Layne Staley.. dead. I really don't have anything to say about it, other than it's devastating. I'm not the kind of person that idolizes musicians (or other people for that matter), but to lose such a great voice is really depressing. Sure, a musician passing before their time is not uncommon. So many have died before Layne, but something about him being MY age now, is closer to losing a friend. It's like growing up with Led Zeppelin and having Bonzo die.. growing up with the Beatles and having Lennon die. Staley is the Bonzo/Lennon of MY generation, and others like him. It's very sad.. He'll be missed. Time to crank up some 'Chains in admiration/reflection of a great one. Check Julie's blog for her farewell...

In gaming news.. Morrowind went gold. I just about fell out of my chair. Five years (six?) in the making. I'm doomed. I may never leave my desk for months. Someone remind me to shower.. I'm currently plunging through Dungeon Siege.. man, it's Diablo all over again. SAVE ME!

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