Friday, March 28, 2003

ARGH. Finally a day where not much is going on and I wake up with a sore throat, and I have this stupid assignment for school to do. A 3-page essay.. When was the last time I wrote a 3-page essay?? Years! Well, maybe I can just plug away at it and knock it out in an hour or so. Yeah right. Oh, hey, check this out: We're pretty addicted (as in, change of lifestyle addicted, not health-harmful addicted) to a few excellent services here: TiVo, NetFlix and now I'm thinking of joining GameFly. It's a service like NetFlix for console games, where you pay $21.95/mo for 2 unlimited rentals at a time. You keep them as long as you want, but you can only have 2 out at a time. What this means is, I can play something like FFX and Kingdom Hearts, finish them and return them when done, and if I finish both in a month, it only cost me $21.95. Yeah, you don't get to keep them, but you can buy them at a discounted price (around the same as a used game from FuncoLand). It's a good deal. Last year I joined a Blockbuster plan that was the same way, but you had to renew each month and it was only for the summer. I might do it. This way, it will satisfy my "I must play it all" hunger. I tend to start a lot of games, but finish few. I'd hate to BUY them all and have them sit there. Sure, I have enough games, but this service is really cool, and NetFlix kicks so much ass, this can only be a good thing. I just hope enough people sign on to keep it going. I just need to weigh up whether or not this would be cheaper than buying a game every few months, because I do like to hold onto them, I never trade games in, although lately I've been thinking about it.

Well, time to buckle down and do this damn assignment.

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