Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Let's see.. life update:

School: Sucks. Taking a required XP class. It's too exciting to talk about. Really. I won't even mention the even more exciting Internet research class I'm taking too.

Work: Sucks. My boss has me involved in some things I'd rather not be involved in, however with yet another "re-org" coming, he said it would be best to bury myself in new duties to save myself from the fate of others, as in, being moved to other teams and under other management. Not that I'm a poor worker, just that the company likes to move people around a lot to put people in groups where they belong and best fit. Even though I best fit in the group I am in.. you never know. Corporate life really sucks sometimes.

Home: Crazy. Sarah is 8.. 8!!! What does that make me? Old. Everything is "normal" here, just the usual daily routines.. eat, sleep, yell at kids, comfort wife, watch TiVo, play a game or two, scoop ferret crap, remove ferrets from places they do not belong.. run from ferrets that want to chomp on my ankles... [insert more ferret duties here]. I feel like I work in a zoo.

OMG, I am playing (not just playing, addicted to) Everquest again. How in the hell did that happen? Well, there's nothing better at the moment, that's how! I fit some quality Morrowind time in there when I can, too.

Well, this is all the updating I can handle on 4 hours of sleep in the last 24, and I'm way late for bed. Hi to anyone that's stopped by (hi Me!) and wondered "WTF" or as we now say "What the Frell??" when seeing October as the last update. Hmm, maybe I'll hack that and make it look like all the posts were from this week.. yeah!!

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