Tuesday, April 01, 2003

DOH I nearly forgot. (I didn't forget this morning, just forgot to mention it for the purpose of this page).

This is a very special day. Eleven years ago last night, I was stationed at my to-be wife's house for a few days, arriving one night before (I left home with just a backpack and my shitty car - a Chevette). I was looking for a place to crash until I could find a place to stay back at college (as if they would take me back, I was expelled). To make a long story short, by the time morning came around (April 1st), something happened that would change the course of two lives. We spent all night sitting across from each other and Julie kept evading a question I kept asking her. Finally, she gave in and said she "kinda had a crush" on me, and that's it.

Eleven years later and here we are... This year is also our tenth anniversay (in December). Yay!

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