Sunday, April 27, 2003

Yeah, no updates for a while. I took a week off of work for the kids' spring break and it was pretty relaxing. I go back to work tonight (joy). Got a lot of good kid and gaming time in, but not much wife time. Sarah refused to go outside and play at all, all week long. She was basically plugged into my backside or Julie's and spent every minute with us. She's 8, so that's a little strange, but it was pleasant anyhow. She hasn't been that way since she was a lot younger and it was like having a baby girl again (sorta). It's funny, she loves Warcraft III, so we spent a good many hours with that game. She's quite good at it too. Lance enjoys some of the more "elitest" board games now and scoffs at the thought of playing Chutes N Ladders or Candyland.. hehe.. We play stuff like Settlers of Catan, Tigris and Euphrates and Talisman, which I have been slowly collecting parts of. I also started re-collecting full sets of the Star Trek CCG game, but I only want a few sets of them. The game was excellent, but unless you had a lot of cards, it was just too hard, especially if you had to share your deck with others.

Nothing else really going on.. Julie has picked up the EQOA (PS2 version) addiction, which allows me to play some of my single player games without guilt of lost quality wife time ;) I like watching her play anyhow, so does Sarah. Today is Greek Easter, so we're heading to my aunt's house for some good eats.

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